Hello! I'm one of Stephanie's alter egos. My name is Tammy Dennigns Maggy and besides erotic romance, I write poetry. My second collection was released in February and already it's creating a buzz for the companion series I'm working on. The poems outline the storyline for The Kayne Legacy series. Instead of going through all the details here, I thought it would be fun just to let you watch the video and see what you think.
During the production of the trailer, a few more characters decided they wanted to have their stories told as well, so it looks like this series will be at least 5 books long. Stay tuned for more information on that and make sure you look for The First Borne (Kayne Legacy 1) in the fall. We're shooting for August/October 2013.
I'd like to thank Stephanie for the chance to promote my new video trailer here on Through Stephanie's Eyes.
~Tammy (aka The Vixen)
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