Hello all! I'm excited to share with you my cast of characters for my most current WIP and one I hope to have out before the end of the summer. This character description also serves as a basic story outline for me to follow. Of course the characters will take over and change things up here and there...especially the Goddess Rhiannon. Can't you just see her meddling a bit more with Claire and her men? Let me know what you think of the characters and the basic story so far. I found pictures of the actors, models and singers who gave inspiration for the characters. They are who I see in my mind while I write, not necessarily who you will see so just go with it!
The Do Over
Stephanie Ryan
Cast of Characters
Claire Dunning 42 year
old chef from Michigan who now lives in California with her husband of two
years. Claire has long raven black hair
and eyes to die for in the shade of jade. Not the blue green variety that seem
to change color with what the person is wearing, but true green eyes, with a
dark emerald green ring around the edges. The effect often startled people when they first meet her
and everyone asks where she gets her contacts.
She stands 5’ 8” in bare feet with curves to die for. Usually wears her waist length naturally wavy
hair up in some form of braid or clip to keep it out of her way while in the
She’s been married to Sean Maguire for just over two years
at the start of the story. They met through a group function 5 years before at
Epcot. He was starting out in a brewery contest and she was entered in a
catering contest. Both won their categories and each other in the process. For the first two years they were always
burning white hot for each other, barely able to keep their hands off each
other, until their restaurant opened up.
They started drifting apart sending Claire into a “what if” mode and
reconnecting with a love from long ago.
After a third and very emotionally painful miscarriage,
Claire turns to a very unlikely friend from her past. The teenaged love
bubbling up to the surface each time she talked to him, wishing she could just
wrap herself up in his arms and forget everything and everyone else. She would prefer to have that reaction for
her husband, but he was always too busy for her and avoided her and her grief.
His family, although trying to make her feel better, kept telling her it wasn’t
in God’s plan for her to have children now with all that was going on in her
life. She just had to keep trying.
Unfortunately it was getting too painful to go through the
disappointment each and every month when there was no baby. Just when her hopes
would be raised and that magical three month marker approached, she would
awaken to a pool of blood in their bed and no baby.
Sean Maguire 36 year old hot shot brew master of the pub The
Blarney Stone he runs with Claire and the rest of the Maguire clan. As the
middle son, he always had to work harder to get the recognition from his father
that he craved growing up. Now with The Blarney Stone taking off and becoming
the hottest spot in San Jose, CA frequented by many local celebrities, sports
celebrities and even the Food Network, Sean finally has the approval from his
Da. In fact all of his siblings are thrilled for him and all work with him and
Claire to make the place shine each and every night.
He’s ripped, 6ft 2” former
football player who lost his spot with the pros after a near-fatal car
accident. He wasn’t driving, but one of his teammates was. They were hit by a
drunk driver. The teammate died instantly and Sean woke up after a three month
long coma in traction with a broken back. With his football career over, he
turned to his studies of brewing beer and wine, entering in every competition
he could in order to learn his craft from the best.
It was his shoulder length dark brown hair and hazel eyes
that had the dark emerald ring around the edges that drew Claire in. His mother
said the matching eye rings meant the fae had marked them as mates. It felt right the moment he kissed her. He
couldn’t see his life without her and yet he knew she was pulling away.
The joy of their life…The Blarney Stone…was slowly tearing
them apart. Struggling with infertility, Claire turned inward and shut him out
more than not. If he didn’t do something
fast, he was going to lose the only woman who ever completed him heart and
Nicholas (Nick)
Brendan 43 year old police officer back in the Michigan town he grew up in.
The place he spent all of his teen years trying to escape, he now called home
and the town called him Chief. Living in the small town again after doing his
20 in with the Corps, was the furthest from his mind, but the chance to be near
his kids and new granddaughter made the case. His divorce from his second wife
was brutal, but luckily his first wife was still at least cordial and helped
him rebuild his battered relationship with his kids. He missed a lot of the years
they were growing up, but he wanted to be there for his grandkids now that he
had his head on straight.
Partying every night and jumping into bed with any bar fly
was no longer his thing. In fact he gave that up as soon as he had his
discharge papers from the Marines. His tours in the desert took their toll,
leaving him with shrapnel in his shoulder and back, and nightmares that could
still put him in the fetal position. It
was the memories of Claire and her jade eyes that could pull him through all
that pain. Seeing her wedding announcement in the local paper damn near killed
him. He had always hoped she would come back home after her first marriage
failed and maybe they could pick up where they never started.
From the tenth grade on he had nursed a serious crush on the
raven haired beauty, but she was just always out of his league. It’s not like
she was dating anyone back then, but she kept more to herself and was
considered a “good girl.” Now that he
had a great job and could actually be considered a good catch, he went looking
for her online. Through Facebook he learned about her first wedding, divorce
and now second wedding. She looked so happy to him in those photos of her
wedding to Maguire. Her eyes drew him in as always and made him want to be the
one to put that glorious smile on her face.
Lately something had changed though. She seemed sad in her
posts, not willing to chat with their groups, begging off for one crisis or
another with the restaurant. Then she confided in him that she miscarried once
again. He wanted nothing more than to put his arms around her and take away all
that pain, but she was so far away. Maybe if they could see each other in
person for the 25th reunion they could see if there was still that spark?
If he could go back in time and relive any part of his life,
it would be to take a chance with her. Maybe they would still be married now,
with children and a grandchild on the way, with Claire in his arms and bed
every night.
Rhiannon the
honey skinned passenger next to Claire on her flight back to Michigan for her
reunion. Rhiannon’s laugh is soft and melodic at one moment, loud and bawdy the
next bringing smiles to everyone’s faces. Her silver eyes pierce you to your
very soul when you stare into them, and you can’t help but surrender to her
charms. She dresses in flowing mid-calf
length dresses, that do very little to
hide her voluptuous frame.
There’s a reason this beauty commands the attention of all
around her. She is a Goddess, sent to grant Claire her wish to live part of her
life over again. Rhiannon didn’t want to do it for she thought it was foolish
to allow humans to be able to rewind part of their life cycle without learning
all the lessons they were meant to learn, but her siblings felt this Do Over
would be the greatest lesson of all for sweet Claire.
Rhiannon’s wild, long curly hair was streaked with blondes,
reds and light browns. No one could tell what her original color was supposed
to be and that was how Rhiannon liked it. Keep them guessing and you will
always be the one they dream about!
Claire’s heartbreak of her last miscarriage tugged at her
own emotions and Rhiannon wanted nothing more than to just tell her to hold on.
Her child was waiting to come to her very soon, but first things first. The
clock must be turned back 25 years, to Senior Prom when Claire had her chance
to give her heart to the one boy she would have given anything to be with.
©Stephanie Ryan and Sassy Vixen Publishing 2013
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